About Viettonkin Consulting

Exceptional Commitment to Grow With You

About Viettonkin Consulting

Exceptional Commitment to Grow With You

Founded in 2009, Viettonkin Consulting is a multi-disciplinary group of consulting firms headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam with offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Bangkok, Singapore, and Hong Kong and a strong presence through strategic alliances throughout Southeast Asia. Our firm’s guiding mission is aimed towards facilitating intra-ASEAN investments and connecting investors in Southeast Asia with the rest of the world, thus promoting international business relationships and strengthening inter-nation connections.

Since its inception, Viettonkin Consulting has been trusted by hundreds of entrepreneurs from overseas, Fortune Global 500 corporations and MNCs, VNR500 and VNR1,000, and even international NGOs to act as a professional consultant, service provider, and local partner for their endeavors and ventures in Vietnam. The retention and continued engagement of these key evangelists reflect an incomparable degree of trust and satisfaction in our service quality. Over a short period of 13 years, we have succeeded in over 2,000 consulting projects both in Vietnam and overseas markets, as well as become an ongoing service provider for thousands of domestic and foreign investors, foreign capitalized enterprises, and the like.

Our vision

Established in 2009 with deep roots in the ASEAN region, Viettonkin will become a top-five leading FDI-focused consulting firm and business consultant in Southeast Asia by 2025 and in the world by 2040, offering a unique one-stop solution hub catering to all professional and corporate needs of multi-national businesses.

Our mission

Since inception, we have set out to be a bridge connecting countries on different continents of the world, especially one that brings together developed and developing countries.

Viettonkin has initiated, engaged, and succeeded in more than 2,000 consulting businesses and projects around the globe, all of which are related to cross-border ventures and investments, new business establishment, inter-country capital flows, international mobility, and global business expansion. In doing so, we deeply believe that we are making a difference in the development of global communities and societies, strengthening the growth and prosperity of the world.

Our core values

Our core values fuel our unwavering commitment to always do the right things for our people, offer exceptional services and deliver important values to the community.

Professionalism: Our international expertise combined with local flavors completely aligns us with our client’s wishes.

Practicality: No big talks, we focus on turning words into actions and getting the job done. Our clients’ success is our north star, and we uphold an unrelenting commitment to fulfilling our promises made to clients.

Trust: Straightforward and sincere, we are always steps ahead in foreseeing and giving clients a heads-up regarding the potential risks or pitfalls of their business plans, even when it puts us at a commercial disadvantage.

Partnership: We strive to become an extension of our client’s internal teams and elevate the conventional vendor-client relationship to the next level. We pursue the endorsement of shared interests, sustainable synergies, and mutual growth.

Our services

Our team

Trường Lăng


Hanoi, Vietnam

Hiền Lương

Managing Director

Hanoi. Vietnam

Nga Đinh

Senior Consultant

Hanoi, Vietnam

Thanh Nguyen

Senior Consultant

Hanoi, Vietnam

Long Nguyễn

Senior Consultant

Hanoi, Vietnam

Our offices



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Ho Chi Minh City

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Download our Latest Ebook about Real Estate and Property!

Real estate holds a pivotal position in the development of a country, not only via the spillover impacts on other economic sectors such as construction, manufacturing, tourism, finance and banking etc. but also affecting the social dynamic by mobilizing the residency and infrastructure system. Foreign direct investment in real estate (RFDI) in Vietnam has a long running history and is unique in that it is largely dominated by the private sector compared to other industries which usually still have a rather large Government involvement. International capital has consistently been selecting real estate as the destination of choice, given that RDI has always been in the top 2 and 3 for volume inflow over the last 10 years, even throughout extremely turbulent periods such as COVID-19, per the General Statistics Office of Vietnam’s (GSO) data. Find out more in this ebook edition.

Tải cuốn ebook mới nhất về nền kinh tế số Việt Nam!

The digital economy of Vietnam has been fueled and accelerated by the global digital trends and the pandemic Covid-19. The movement of digital transformation is underway in every corner of Vietnamese life, strongly influencing the way people do things. Digital economy is the future of the Vietnam economy. Realizing the potential of the digital economy, the Vietnam government has issued policies, guidelines and created legal frameworks to support and further enhance this economy. In this ebook edition, the digital economy is looked at from different angles. Perspectives from the key elements comprising Vietnam digital economy are examined and discovered.

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