
Bright Prospects For Vietnam’s Tourism Industry Post-Covid

Trường Lăng

July 26, 2022


Bright Prospects For Vietnam’s Tourism Industry Post-Covid

Trường Lăng

July 26, 2022

After two years of prolonged quarantine and strict regulations, Vietnam is finally preparing  solutions to recover and adapt to the new normal. With safety policies and effective pandemic control, the country is poised to make strides in key industries, especially tourism.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism has actively worked, discussed with relevant ministries and branches, and reported to the Government in order to reopen tourism activities under new normal conditions on March 15, 2022. Vietnam began to welcome back international tourists earlier this year. Vietnam’s tourism industry will be restored and enter a growth phase as the entire country adapts safely, flexibly, and effectively to the Covid-19 epidemic. 

Business Travel Service – the Ideal Option for the Tourism Industry Post-Covid

With new businesses sprouting and more foreign investors visiting Vietnam in search of new opportunities, what better way to introduce Vietnam to those interested and ensure successful outcomes from their visits than with a customizable package business tour?

The success of business activities, whether they involve meeting clients, attending conferences, or conducting market research for the purpose of business expansion, is crucial when it comes to business trips or business travel in general. However, the aforementioned success can only be guaranteed if the trip is carefully planned and executed. This can even be more problematic for foreign individuals or organizations.

Understanding these challenges, Vietnam Travel Companion has successfully created a business travel service that is especially designed and tailored for those who are interested in visiting a new market, such as Vietnam, for business purposes. From market research to meeting with potential partners and customers, we are confident in fully satisfying all of your business and personal travel needs.

Upon receiving your requests, our dedicated staff will work with you to plan your travel and leisure requirements, whether it be a business trip, a business tour, or a group tour.

With a wide network of partners in the tourism industry, such as domestic and international airlines, hotel chains, transportation companies, and other service providers, Vietnam Travel Companion offers the best travel experience to our clients so they can fully enjoy their stay in Vietnam while focusing on their business objectives. Start planning your business travel to Vietnam right away with Vietnam Travel Companion. Contact us now.

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