
By 2025, at least 10 state-owned enterprises with capital over 5 billion USD

Trường Lăng

June 4, 2022


By 2025, at least 10 state-owned enterprises with capital over 5 billion USD

Trường Lăng

June 4, 2022

Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Le Minh Khai, has just signed the Resolution No. 68 on improving the performance and mobilizing resources of State-owned enterprises, including a series of goals from now to 2025.

tuyen dung lao dong

Specifically, the Government sets the goal that at least 25 state-owned enterprises with equity or capitalization on the stock market reach one billion USD. Out of these enterprises, there will be at least 10 corporations with a market capitalization of more than 5 billion USD

In the next 5 years, groups and corporations will contribute 5-10% more to the budget compared to the 2016-2020 period

According to the data of the Ministry of Finance, currently, state-owned enterprises account for about 0.08% of operating enterprises but account for 7% of total assets and 10% of the equity of all enterprises in the market.

State-owned groups and enterprises also account for nearly 26% of total working capital, more than 23% of the value of fixed assets, and long-term financial investments of the ongoing enterprises.

Currently, HOSE has USD 49 billion capitalization enterprises, accounting for 80% of the market, including a number of state-owned enterprises.

Source : Baodauthau

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