
Eurocham High-Level Meeting with Executive Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans

Trường Lăng

June 7, 2022


Eurocham High-Level Meeting with Executive Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans

Trường Lăng

June 7, 2022

First of all, many thanks to Ambassador Giorgio Aliberti for organizing this meeting. It is  an honor to be here representing EuroCham Vietnam, one of the largest European chambers  in the world, and all of our 1,200 members. I am pleased to be joined by five of them, one  of which works in the renewable energy sector. All of them are very much active in  developing a resource-efficient Vietnamese economy. With the green expertise of our  members, we could have easily brought an additional dozen people here today. I’m also  very pleased to join this meeting with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry  (VCCI), which is one of EuroCham’s closest partners in the country. 

As you know well, with a coastline of more than 3 thousand kilometers, Vietnam is one of  the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Rising sea levels are already having a  large impact on the Vietnamese people, with the intensity of flooding and saltwater  intrusion increasing year-by-year, destroying homes and livelihoods. Future estimates are  also discouraging. A 100 cm sea level rise is predicted to put half of the Mekong Delta underwater. This would clearly have a massive economic impact, destabilizing an  extremely dynamic country in one of the world’s most energetic regions.  

But the future doesn’t have to be so dark. To avoid this, action is needed by all nations,  undeveloped, developing, and developed. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s  commitments made at COP26 were a remarkable and brave step, widely celebrated by the  international community. However, these commitments require a complete economic  transformation. This transformation towards decarbonization must be the foundation of  Vietnam’s economy.  

For many years, EuroCham and its members have already worked towards bringing about  change through our advocacy work. Our annual Whitebook, reflecting the views of our  many sector committees, is presented to the government each year. As far back as 2009,  EuroCham hosted an innovative event called GreenBiz, which was a large, forward  looking conference and exhibition on green growth and sustainability.  

Within EuroCham, we have an active Green Growth Sector Committee, or GGSC, made  up of four lively subcommittees and more than forty eager members, whose main objective  is green advocacy toward the government and its ministries. In the recent past, our GGSC  pushed for the expansion of rooftop solar production, leading to huge growth in this sector since 2018, with a particularly impressive boom occurring in 2020. In the past few months,  the GGSC has been actively engaged in providing comments regarding the forthcoming  PDP8, consulting on a DPPA pilot scheme, and advocating for the revision of regulations  related to Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in the Environmental Protection Law. 

Of course, fully realizing an economic transformation will be difficult and will take more  than policy changes and advocacy. To bring great change, our European businesses are  crucial. I am here today to tell you that we are here, ready and able to bring about such  change. European know-how and expertise should be brought here and used in the  Vietnamese context through the import of clean technologies and the knowledge of  European experts. This is especially needed to achieve the decarbonization of Vietnam’s  economy, the development of offshore wind energy, and the construction of efficient, green  architecture.  

To this end, green development will be the main theme of EuroCham’s 2022 activities. We  will hold regular events in this field, helping to raise awareness of European green  practices, and adapting these solutions in Vietnam. In this context, we at EuroCham will  host a three-day conference and exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City, the economic hub of the  country, called GEFE 2022 (Green Economy Forum and Exhibition). This event,

scheduled for November of this year, will be held in partnership with EU member state  embassies and trade counsellors, hopefully the EU Delegation to Vietnam, the Vietnamese  government, and our friends at the VCCI. It will promote B2B and B2G dialogue, offering  a platform where all stakeholders can be actively involved in finding and applying green  solutions in Vietnam. It will open with a high-level conference, possibly in Hanoi.  Following this, it will consist of a two-day conference, bringing together European and  Vietnamese experts from government, businesses, and academia, covering topics such as  climate change, circular economy, energy resources, green financing, waste management,  etc. The second part of the event will be a three-day exhibition, hosting over 150 European  companies enthusiastic to share their green technological experiences and initiatives.  Through these events, all the stakeholders will be given the opportunity to engage with  Vietnamese businesses, students, and with the general public. We already have the  commitment of the Prime Minister, and several key ministers from the Ministry of Industry  and Trade, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Of course, Mr.  Timmermans, we would also like to invite you to come back to Vietnam to help us to  inaugurate and participate in this event.  

Source : Eurochamp VietNam

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