Trade and Procurement Consulting

Your business needs beyond border

We help you trade with extensive connection of network with a global perspective

Trade and Procurement Consulting

Your business needs beyond border

We help you trade with extensive connection of network with a global perspective

What we do

Your business needs beyond border

Twenty-first-century globalization has gone well beyond imports crossing borders thanks to the global agreement such as WTO agreements and, CPTPP (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership). This will help far-reaching production networks and supply chains to extend their reach across sectors and countries. However, despite the benefits of the open global trade, this environment is becoming more and more complicated. Rising costs, environmental concerns, regulations, and increasing complexities in international trade are all making procurement more challenging than ever before.

With an extensive connection of network as well as a number of experts with a global perspective, Viettonkin will be the most valuable and worth approach for our clients. Especially, our senior associate lawyers, managing partners, and consultants in legal, trade, and financing fields will provide you a step-by-step guideline and the best practices for any circumstances that may occur during the operation. Therefore, Viettonkin is genuinely proud to support our clients in our Trade & Procurement service which includes trade consulting, trading brokerage, import, and export compliance consulting, procurement sourcing, and consulting.

Our solutions



Understanding BPOM Certificate and Its Business Importance

Building consumers’ trust is very instrumental in any business ventures desiring a long-term presence in the business world. In an industry such as the food, ...
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Details on How to Set Up a Company in Indonesia

Indonesia has emerged as one of the big business destinations for entrepreneurs willing to establish a strong foothold in Southeast Asia. It is strategically positioned ...
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FDI Company in Vietnam: From Isolation to Global Investment

FDI companies in Vietnam have consistently played a crucial role in contributing to Vietnam’s economy and its growth. Since the authorization of foreign investment in ...
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Why Invest in Indonesia?

Investment, in its very essence, is the strategic placement of resources, primarily financial capital, into businesses or assets with the expectation of generating returns in ...
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Download our Latest Ebook about Real Estate and Property!

Real estate holds a pivotal position in the development of a country, not only via the spillover impacts on other economic sectors such as construction, manufacturing, tourism, finance and banking etc. but also affecting the social dynamic by mobilizing the residency and infrastructure system. Foreign direct investment in real estate (RFDI) in Vietnam has a long running history and is unique in that it is largely dominated by the private sector compared to other industries which usually still have a rather large Government involvement. International capital has consistently been selecting real estate as the destination of choice, given that RDI has always been in the top 2 and 3 for volume inflow over the last 10 years, even throughout extremely turbulent periods such as COVID-19, per the General Statistics Office of Vietnam’s (GSO) data. Find out more in this ebook edition.

Tải cuốn ebook mới nhất về nền kinh tế số Việt Nam!

The digital economy of Vietnam has been fueled and accelerated by the global digital trends and the pandemic Covid-19. The movement of digital transformation is underway in every corner of Vietnamese life, strongly influencing the way people do things. Digital economy is the future of the Vietnam economy. Realizing the potential of the digital economy, the Vietnam government has issued policies, guidelines and created legal frameworks to support and further enhance this economy. In this ebook edition, the digital economy is looked at from different angles. Perspectives from the key elements comprising Vietnam digital economy are examined and discovered.

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